Attend Wyoming Area Catholic
Tuition Rates
First Child
Second Child
Third Child
Fourth Child
First Child
Second Child
Third Child
Fourth Child
Five Full Days
Three Full Days
Five Half Days
Three Half Days
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the daily schedule at Wyoming Area Catholic?
Students may arrive beginning at 7:25 am. Morning Prayer is said at 7:50 am.
Classes start at 7:55 am. Dismissal begins at 2:10 pm.
What School Districts provide busing to Wyoming Area Catholic?
Busing is available for students from Dallas, Pittston Area, Wyoming Area, Wyoming Valley West, and Wilkes-Barre Area School Districts.
Where are school uniforms purchased?
School uniforms are worn in Grades K – 8. School uniforms are available for purchase at Flynn and O’Hara. Gym uniforms can also be purchased at Argo Sportswear in Exeter.
Does Wyoming Area Catholic offer an Afterschool Care Program?
Wyoming Area Catholic’s Aftercare Program operates on regular school days from the time school is dismissed at 2:15 pm until 5:15 pm. The Aftercare Program is available on some early dismissal days.
Do you prepare the students for the reception of their sacraments?
It is, and always has been, the expectation of pastors as well as Wyoming Area Catholic that children receive their sacraments within their own parish communities. First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are celebrated in the second grade and catechesis is done throughout the school year. Confirmation is celebrated according to diocesan schedules and parish custom. All students receive catechesis for the sacrament in Grades 5 - 8.
Is there a specific time when visitors can observe at Wyoming Area Catholic?
Please call the school office at 570-654-7982 to schedule an appointment and tour of the school. Upon request, students considering enrolling may shadow for a day in their grade level.
Is tuition assistance available?
Tuition assistance is available through the Diocese of Scranton’s Scholarship Foundation funded through the EITC Tax Credit Program. Our “Cougar Cash” Gift Certificate Program provides an excellent opportunity for tuition reduction throughout the year. Cougar Cash orders are sent to school with students on Monday and sent home with students on Thursday.
Are there tuition payment plans available?
Tuition is paid to the FACTS Tuition Management Company. Three options are available: 1 payment, 2 payments or 12 monthly payments.
Do you have to be Catholic to attend Wyoming Area Catholic?
Our school accepts students of all faiths.
Is there an online parent/school communication source available?
Wyoming Area Catholic offers FACTS SIS, a tool for parents to access and share critical school information as well as Facebook for updates of school activities.