About Wyoming Area Catholic
Wyoming Area Catholic School is a God-Centered, nurturing environment where Christian teachers strive to recognize the spirit in every student and dignify each with a quality education. Within this nurturing environment where the development of the whole child is the focus of what we do, we propose to: Teach, Help, Emphasize, Organize, and Stimulate all students. These skills formulate the philosophy of Wyoming Area Catholic School: THEOS, which is God.
We will:
Teach all students the Gospel message and the doctrines of the Catholic Church while modeling a Christian value system.
Help all students develop potential in all areas of curriculum through the process of inquiry and discussion, creative response and self-discovery.
Emphasize the outcome of quality education by ensuring a well-informed person who will be able to contribute to the moral environment of the whole community.
Organize processes that will produce the highest quality education to meet the needs of each individual student.
Stimulate all in the school community to reflect the Gospel message through mutual support and acknowledgement of each person's gifts and talents thus developing loyalty and pride in Wyoming Area Catholic School.

We, the Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Scranton, are committed to educate students and their families in the Catholic Faith. We provide a Catholic education that is spiritually sound and academically excellent. We strive to prepare our students to be faith-filled leaders and life-long learners dedicated to serving the church and society.
School Pledge
I will pledge to be part of the solution.
I will eliminate teasing/taunting from my own behavior.
I will encourage others to do the same.
I will do my part to make Wyoming Area Catholic School a
safe place by being more sensitive to others.
I will set the example of a caring individual.
I will eliminate profanity towards others from my language.
I will not let my words or actions hurt others.
And if others won't become part of the solution...........I will.