Academics at Wyoming Area Catholic
Wyoming Area Catholic is committed to providing an academic curriculum based on the teachings of the Catholic Church, infused with Catholic social teaching, rooted in basic skills and coupled with innovative programs that will prepare young people for college, career, and life. A child's journey in the elementary grades spans from learning to read to preparing for young adulthood, and the approach to teaching the curriculum evolves through the years to reflect a child's developmental needs. The curriculum at Wyoming Area Catholic ensures a strong academic foundation and the development of the whole child. The curriculum is delivered through lesson plans designed to meet student's unique social, physical, emotional and academic needs.
Curriculum Information
Our faith is expressed daily throughout all facets of school life. We strive to pass on the teachings of Jesus Christ to all of our students. Our faith is reflected in our traditions, prayer life, and service that we do for one another. Our school celebrates Mass and Holy Hour monthly, and we celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation four times a year. Various collections are held to help those most in need in our area. The faith and the Gospel message of Jesus Christ is alive and well in our school! Religion is also taught as one of the core academic subjects. The focus of our study of religion can be summed up in one statement: God is Love. Every facet of the study of religion stems from God's love.
At Wyoming Area Catholic School, students will study:
Scripture: beginning with Pre-Kindergarten, students learn stories from the Bible. Our younger grades continue to learn Bible favorites and they eventually learn to categorize them as Old Testament and New Testament. Our junior high students will connect the covenant that God makes with His people in the Old Testament with the fulfillment of the covenant that is witnessed in the New Testament.
Morality: Our youngest students learn what it means to "be good" - to be kind to one another, to help each other, and to be fair to one another. As our students grow, they study the 10 Commandments. They learn about forgiveness, and will eventually learn that God gives us all free will, and that through our study of the faith, we are able to properly form our conscience in order to act morally.
Sacraments: Our first graders begin to learn about the Sacraments, and how they are outward signs that give us grace. As our students progress through the grade levels, the Sacraments and their effects on us are studied more in-depth. Special attention in given to the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist in 2nd grade, as that is the age level that students receive those Sacraments for the first time in their parishes. Special attention is given to the Sacrament of Confirmation in 5th and 6th grade to help prepare our older students for the reception of that Sacrament.
Liturgy and Prayer: Along with attending monthly Mass, our students learn the parts of the Mass and the liturgical seasons and colors. They also learn about the Holy Days of Obligation. Students learn about the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist as they experience Eucharistic Adoration. Traditional Catholic prayers such as the Our Father, Hail Mary, the Memorare, Stations of the Cross, Prayer to the Holy Spirit, etc. are introduced & practiced at appropriate grade levels.
Theology: The basic beliefs of faith are taught throughout the years such as: Jesus is the Son of God the Father; the Most Holy Trinity; Mary is the Mother of God; the death and Resurrection of Jesus, Jesus is both God and Man; etc.
History of the Church: The learning of Church history is scattered throughout all of our grade levels in different ways, but a concentrated study is done in 8th grade.
The high-quality Mathematics program helps all of our students learn Math Skills and concepts they need for academic success. Technology in Math is also used to add a new dimension to our Math instruction. The PA Scott Foresman Addison Wesley Series is used in grades K-6.
Preschool students are provided with many hands-on-activities, games and visual materials used to explore Math.
At the Kindergarten level students are introduced to basic sorting, classifying, numbers, patterns, fractions, time and money and readiness of addition and subtraction.
Grades 1-6 focus on introducing, reinforcing and mastering all skills that meet the PA Academic Standards for each grade level. The Math program emphasizes the mastery of all facts, systemic and explicit problem solving application, graphs, charts, maps, fractions, decimals, probability, percent and geometry. Critical thinking and writing in math enhances our program.
Junior High level students use the Prentice Hall Series. A variety of methods are used to introduce and reinforce pre-algebra, geometry and trigonometry skills. Students utilize Reading and Writing Skills along with real-world problem solving. Various technology activities are used throughout the year.
In addition to our regular Math program, we offer Advanced Math in Grades 6-8 it is departmentalized and offered on site with eligible 8th grade students participating in Algebra I. NCTM standards are included in the Advanced Courses and the effectiveness of Mathematics is evident by results in contests, placement tests, and standardized tests along with overall success our students experience in High School.
The high-quality Mathematics program helps all of our students learn Math Skills and concepts they need for academic success. Technology in Math is also used to add a new dimension to our Math instruction. The PA Scott Foresman Addison Wesley Series is used in grades K-6.
Preschool students are provided with many hands-on-activities, games and visual materials used to explore Math.
At the Kindergarten level students are introduced to basic sorting, classifying, numbers, patterns, fractions, time and money and readiness of addition and subtraction.
Grades 1-6 focus on introducing, reinforcing and mastering all skills that meet the PA Academic Standards for each grade level. The Math program emphasizes the mastery of all facts, systemic and explicit problem solving application, graphs, charts, maps, fractions, decimals, probability, percent and geometry. Critical thinking and writing in math enhances our program.
Junior High level students use the Prentice Hall Series. A variety of methods are used to introduce and reinforce pre-algebra, geometry and trigonometry skills. Students utilize Reading and Writing Skills along with real-world problem solving. Various technology activities are used throughout the year.
In addition to our regular Math program, we offer Advanced Math in Grades 6-8 it is departmentalized and offered on site with eligible 8th grade students participating in Algebra I. NCTM standards are included in the Advanced Courses and the effectiveness of Mathematics is evident by results in contests, placement tests, and standardized tests along with overall success our students experience in High School.
The Science program involves exploring, investigating and experimenting at all levels.
Our Pre K students participate in growing and caring for their own garden. They dig, plant, and harvest all the garden vegetables while learning the workings of a garden. Various science experiences are explored.
Grades K and 1 are introduced to the basics of Science by learning about themselves, plants, animals, and the world around them. They care for pets, see eggs hatch and investigate the emergence of butterflies.
Grades 2 through 6 use the Scott Foresman Science Program. They are introduced to Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science and the Human Body. Each year the program is more challenging and teaches an appreciation for all that God has created or man has discovered. Students at this age level are encouraged to complete group projects, individual reports, and lab experiments and use technology to further understand the method of Science. The study of Science also helps students see the relationship between Science and the world. Students also connect the studies of Science to other subjects which foster the further application of knowledge.
Grade 7-8 students study Earth Science and Life Science respectively. They spend a full year on Earth Science then complete a full year on Life Science. Science concepts are presented in a way that students can understand the how and why of science comparing it to their daily experiences.
The scientific method is used as a basis for the completion of individual science projects. Each student is responsible researching, designing, completing, presenting a completed project.
The Social Studies program is committed to the understanding of the people and places in our own state, country, and the world. Both geography and history are represented in our Social Studies program. The Social Studies program uses Scott Foresman Social Studies in grades k-6 and Prentice Hall in grades 7-8. PA History is also presented in grade 4.
In grades K-3 students cover such topics as culture, citizenship, government, geography and economics. At each grade level lessons include a hands on approach with long or short term projects Social Studies skills address the needs of our students at each grade level. Grades 4 and 5 primarily focus on the United States, map and graph and globe skills, Fourth graders learn the spelling, abbreviation and U.S. states on the map. The fifth graders focus on real life connections with fact files and citizen heroes of the past and the present. Students participate in presenting written reports; create totem poles representing their culture, dioramas and a resource quilt. These projects enable students to integrate what they have learned in all social sciences.
Grade 6 focuses on the World by understanding the differences and similarities in living in a culturally diverse world.
In grade 7-8 students study "The American Nation" the study of the American Way of life while developing an understanding of its history.
Students in grades 7-8 also participate in History Day. Students submit an individual or group exhibit whose topic is related to history. Students have the option of entering the History Day Competition at Penn State, Wilkes-Barre Campus in the spring.
Students in grades 6-8 learn how to complete a research paper. They are taught all steps in researching and writing this report. A geography Bee is also held in the Junior High Level. Overall our Social Studies program covers information necessary for our students to learn and master all skills and knowledge.
Art allows students in PreK-8 to express themselves using different art mediums. The classroom teacher provides the process and materials to be used. Students create the finished project using their own creativity. They display their God given talents in their own works of art. Special crafts are made for special holidays. Students enjoy creative art, discussing its purpose and sharing it with others. Art is developed and implemented in all subjects.
Music classes are offered twice a week for grades K-8. Students develop a strong appreciation for music by studying basic music theory, classical artists, multicultural and musical trends. Musical selections are introduced by singing, listening, interpreting, analyzing, dancing and memorizing. All students participate in school liturgies, prayer services and two concerts per year. The musical concerts are held at Christmas time and in the spring. Students are also invited to participate in an annual talent show during Catholic Schools Week. Students are encouraged to express themselves through music in a fun and educational environment.
Computer classes are offered in our computer lab to grades Pre-K-8 once a week. Students learn keyboarding; word processing skills, as well as coding and the use of the internet. A variety of skills are developed during the year using programs such as Excel, PowerPoint, and more. Our technology program is specifically designed to expose each child to present and advanced technology. Our state of the art computer lab is also utilized for research and class assignments. Chromebooks are used by each student in Grades K-8 and new iPads are used by our Pre-school students.